Sunday, May 24, 2015
Relationships take work
Have you ever had a relationship whether it be with a friend or family member, where you felt like you made all the effort to keep it going? I have. It's exhausting, to feel as though you are trying to keep the relationship alive, while the other part does virtually nothing, or with minimal effort to show you they even care. The key to a successful relationship is it takes two parties willing to put forth effort to have a relationship stand the test of time. Relationships take a lot of work and effort, they can't be one sided or the person trying eventually wears out. Not because they don't care, but rather because humans eventually get depleted and exhausted. I am thankful I have one relationship that will never be depleted or tire from trying to reach deep within me, no matter how far I stray God is always there for me. He's always a prayer away, he's always waiting patiently for my return. He's always rejoicing at the sound of repentance from a heart that's turned back to him. Wherever you are, no matter how far you may have strayed... Know this, God loves you deeper than any man or woman ever could. He's the only one that has the ability to redeem and restore. To bring beauty from the ashes.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
There is purpose in suffering
There are a few things I wrestle with God over trying to understand the purpose and meaning behind it... Alzheimer's and mental illness being two that touch my life deeply. Satan loves to distract us with things we do not understand and tries to get us to question if God is good why would he allow us to suffer with whatever infirmities that affect your life? And while I may not know the reason to why we suffer, I can instead shift my focus to look for some good that comes from the hardships we suffer. Instead of resenting the fact my Aunt suffers with Alzheimer's, I can choose instead, to focus on the fact that yesterday I got to see my beautiful Aunt smile and laugh... something that when I saw her last year I never thought I'd see or hear until we meet again in heaven. I got to hear her respond when Jesse said to her, it was so good to see her... she said, "God bless you." How I prayed the night before for a good visit and for Jesse to be able to see a glimpse of our beloved Aunt Mickey. Yes, those sweet, tender moments with her did not last nearly as long as I wished they would have, before the ugliness of the disease came forth, BUT there was still beauty to be seen in the ashes of this horrible life stealing disease. If you allow Christ to, he can change your perspective to see the rainbows in the midst of the storms clouds of life difficulties. We have to train our minds to see the blessings that come from the trials in life's most difficult moments. When my Aunt got frustrated and yelled, we got a chance to witness my Uncle's unconditional love for her, his patience, and gentleness... as hard as it is to see her like this, he is ever faithful to his beloved bride of over 60 years. Where many may not understand God's reasoning behind suffering, I can see purpose in it! Those nurses there witness first hand every time he visits, what a devoted marriage looks like in sickness and in health, through the good and the bad. They see first hand what a committed relationship looks like, while people often leave each other over simple disagreements or short periods of unhappiness, my Uncle on the other hand is there for my Aunt during life's hardest moments. My Uncle Gene frequents there enough the nurses know him by name (which says a lot for a man well into his 80's driving nearly an hour just to get there, to see his beloved wife) Even though the disease itself may not be pretty, no one would choose any of our loved ones to suffer with any illness, we have hope... my Aunt put her trust in Jesus as her savior, and I know one day I will be with her in heaven, hearing her treasured stories once again, hearing her laughter, watching her hold babies, and play with children once again. She will be fully restored... I may not understand the suffering but because of Christ we have hope when life feels hopeless.
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