Sunday, August 2, 2015

When life is hard and we just don't understand, I will trust the one who knows the beginning and the end.

There's a person that I love very deeply and they are going through a bit of a struggle right now. And as I sat here tonight my normal response to this situation started to play out as fear, worry, and anxiety began to weigh heavy on my heart for them. It wasn't until several hours had gone by that I remembered this battle can not be won through worry, fear, and doubt; and that I could go to God and intercede on their behalf. After I prayed, God reminded me, it's okay that this person is struggling. He said wouldn't you rather see him in heaven and watch him struggle a little while here on earth? Sometimes the only way to get us to surrender our control is through a little struggle here on earth. God reminded me it was through my darkest moments that his greatest healing was preformed; that resulted in my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. So the struggles our loved ones face are not always for their loss but for heaven's gain. God cares more about our loved ones then we ever possibly could. So when life is hard and we just don't understand, I will trust in the one who knows the beginning and the end.