Thursday, January 16, 2014

Life Can Be A Whrilwind

Life is a whirlwind of emotions, if left unchecked our emotions can start to control us, dominate our personalities, and leave us in a tailspin.  As I have grown in my walk with God I have noticed how important it is for me to stay connected to him on a daily basis, otherwise I allow my out of control emotions to rule over me.  Years ago I would wake up feeling depressed and allow that feeling  to dictate how the rest of my day would go.  The funny thing about emotions is they can lie to you and lead you astray from God's path and purpose for your life. They can steal the joy of the present and keep us locked in our past.  The bible says the heart is deceitful above all else Jer. 17:9 so I have learned to guard my heart and align my thoughts with the word of God. This one key alone has saved me from feeling out of control in the ups and downs of life.  It has given me a new focus and passion to share with others the key to joy and happiness.  To keep a thankful heart, full of love, and to rely on what God says about me, because He, unlike my emotions is unchanging and His love for me is unfailing.

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