Thursday, May 26, 2016

A Glimpse of Heaven

Did you ever met someone in life that was just incredibly easy to love? Someone who not  necessarily does things perfectly but just really knows how to live life well under life's difficult circumstances. They serve without complaining and smile without judging. They have hearts that would give you the shoes off their feet. They have hearts of compassion that shatter and pierce hearts of stone. They have the determination to see the good in every circumstance life throws at them and a zeal for the Lord that cannot be shaken. They refuse to allow the enemy to have one ounce of their joy. They just know how to live life well. I call these type of people angels on earth. While I know they are not truly angels in the physical sense... being around them, however, gives me the slightest taste of what heaven must be like.  Every once in awhile God places such a gift from heaven in my life, to give me the slightest glimpse of what Jesus was like. They leave a taste of heaven in my mouth and make me long to be that type of encourager to someone else. You may feel that you don't reflect Jesus very well but take heart my sisters and brothers in Christ...God is not finished with you yet. For God looks at your heart and because when you surrender your life to Jesus, Jesus covered your sins so God sees the reflection of his son in your heart... and little by little he is making you reflect the image of Jesus so that when others look at you they can get a glimpse of Jesus too.

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