Saturday, June 21, 2014

The roads we travel tell a story

The roads in which we travel, tell a lot of why people act the way we do.  The direction we choose to walk, the places we choose to linger, the people who pass through our lives all make up the stories of our lives. Each has a purpose, and serve as a reminder of where we’ve been and who we are today. Our pasts even they we may not see some of the beauty in the choices that we’ve made, have the potential to be used by God as a mighty lesson for the future and have the power to be used for good no matter how bad it may seem at the time.  My story is just a snapshot in the passage of time. Not so long ago my husband and I want another child. We loved Jesse so much and seen how fast time with him was passing us by as he grew way too quickly.  I had 4 sisters that meant the world to me so I always wanted him to have a sibling.  We were young and thought we could plan our lives the way we wanted. My thoughts were I will have another baby in 1 ½ years (since this is the space between me and my next sister).  Jesse was a complete surprise to us so I thought nothing of getting pregnant again, however for 7 years nothing happened. It was a little family joke that I should buy stock in the pregnancy test company because of how often I thought maybe this month, only to be brokenhearted that once again my womb was barren. I was crushed by this, as if I had some control over the matter or could do something about it.  How many times I cried when I’d tell Ray, no not this month. How hard it was to hear our son pray to God for another baby.  I’d cry out to God in anger and frustration… “God I don’t understand, why do you give children to all these people that don’t appreciate them, we love you Lord, we love Jesse and raise him to love you, I just don’t understand.” You see when you are young you think life is in your control, you make the plans, you call the shots… but God was teaching me a valuable lesson, he was in control and can use all things to work for His good and glory. About the time I surrendered to the fact that Jesse would be an only child, God did something amazing in my heart.  Through my own pain, I seen a great need, there were many children in our area that needed to be shown love and acceptance, and shown that God loves them. Ray and I started an after school kids club at our church on Fridays.  We found that by showing them the love of Jesus we could be parent like figures to hurting kids. I will never forget one such girl who touched my heart so deeply.  I do not know all the details but I know she had a rough time, and even though she had a hard life her heart was so full of love.   She had a smile that could light up a room, and spirit full of giving and sacrifice.  Even though she was not my child, I loved her deeply.  Many times she’d stay with us over the course of the next couple of years. She got along so well in our family and was a great play mate for Jesse. God used her in our lives to see a great need in others, and since we could not have another child we decided to foster children and adopt… that was the plan anyways, but yet again things changed.  After 7 years of trying I found out I was pregnant. How excited we were, a baby girl… beautiful and perfect. How our hearts sang, we named her Sadie Grace… grace meaning gift from God. She was precious… 3 month went by and we found out she had cystic fibrosis (what the medical world likes to label as a disease with a shortened life expectancy) oh how little do they know, many in the medical world have not had the pleasure of meeting my God!  You see in medical terms CF is a genetic mutation (a mishap so to speak) but my God makes no mistake when he formed Sadie in my womb he did it just the way he had planned, perfectly not flawed.  My God knows the plans he has for each of his children, there are no premature deaths or shortened lives, he has a detailed plan that try as we may we cannot alter or change. No label will ever have the pleasure of taking our lives one day, one hour, one minute, one second before God has determined it to be so. Matthew Ch. 6: 27 says who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your days?  I love the passage in John 9:1-3 it says… As Jesus passed by, He saw a man blind from birth.  And His disciples asked Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?”  Jesus answered, It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him. 

God was teaching and preparing my heart in those 7 years, to show me that His ways are not my ways nor his plans my plans.  He was showing me, he was in control of it all. Time passed by and that sweet little girl friend requested me on facebook, she told me of her father’s passing and she was now in foster care.  I had just read a wonderful book on the story of adoption by Mary Beth Chapman called Choosing to See, and Ray and I decided to try and adopt her. We had the mindset that if it was God’s will it would go through but if not than at least she would know that somebody wanted her and loved her.  The lawyer told us that she was not able to be adopted, yet another plan that did not turn out the way we hoped.  I would love to share a wonderful story someone told me about her when we in the process of trying to adopt her, that paints a beautiful picture of what the love of God is like. One of my partners at my store had her for a student and she said for Christmas that year wrapped underneath their classroom tree was her baby doll and to this year she still brings the baby out at Christmas and puts it under her tree.  This loving little girl, who had a heart for God, gave something that meant a lot to her… just as God gave His son for us so that we may live. She touched our lives and hearts and we were so blessed to have known and loved her for that season in our lives.  She has turned into a beautiful young woman, who I cannot believe is graduating this year, and even though we may not be as close as we were all those years ago I pray for God’s blessings in her life and that she may always know how much we still love and care for her. I know God will use all her hurts and heal them and glorify his name to help heal others who have had a hard life. She will have the ability to reach many hurting people and she shares her story. God gives us a story to share, don’t be afraid to share yours and reach out to others, you never know who may need to hear your story to help them get through their own.

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