I am so thankful that our faith is in Jesus. When you have a child with a chronic illness like CF it is important to know this life is not all God has to offer our beautiful children. There is a hope found in Jesus that is beyond ourselves and beyond what the medical fields can offer. Many pray for a miracle and while I know and believe my God is capable of such wonderful things he has also shown me the importance of praying for the salvation of our children, because we all will face death sooner or later and salvation will last longer. God has shown us through CF the value of everyday, to make it count because they are all numbered, for everyone of us. He has shown me in his word... For who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? (Matthew Ch. 6:27) this verse tells me he's got it covered!! He loves our princess and no chronic illness will have the pleasure of stealing any of her days or thwarting God's plans and purpose for her life. Bottom line... All life is precious and a gift. Hug your kids, love them, tell them so, and give them the most valuable things you have... Your faith in Jesus, your love, and your time. Trust God and His love for you. Stay close to him in his word and through prayer. Remember we all face storms in life so it is important to build your foundation on Him. He will never fail you or leave you.
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