Saturday, October 10, 2015

Do you have the faith it takes to be a hero?

As for you, you meant it for evil against me, but GOD meant it for Good. Genesis 50:26  Friends write this scripture on your heart!! I LOVE the life of Joesph in the bible and how God used the hardships he suffered for the saving of many LIVES!! Darkness can not win over the goodness of God and HIS plans. Now darkness does exist and bad things do happen, however, God is able to use all events in a believers life and turn it into something good. God is able to use our most painful events for the saving of many lives. The human (fleshly) part of us does not want or like to suffer, we don't like to see the ones we love dearly hurting... However God never wastes our pain, he hurts along side of us and says "Oh child, if you only knew the amount of lives that will be saved because of your story. It is because of your testimony, faith, and devotion to me even during the hardest times of your life that others came to know, trust, and have faith in me." Many of us want to be a hero and save lives or make a significant difference in others lives; but did you know that real life heroes lay it all on the lines, laying down their own lives if nescarry for the saving of many lives. Do you have the faith it takes to be a real life hero? Has your faith in God carried you through one of life's hardest trials and left you with a stronger resolve, that yes even this can be used for the saving of many lives? Keep the faith my friends, stay in God's word, trust he has a plan, that he loves you, and he is able to work all things for our good. 

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