Monday, December 14, 2015

Getting Back to the Heart of Christmas

I feel lately like I've been fighting this losing battle between time and my to do list, but that's okay, I've had more important things to deal with. The Christmas cookies will have to wait to be made until after Christmas this year, and the homemade gifts will wait until next year to be made. Christmas looks a bit different this year it is true, but our hearts are working toward serving Christ and others and isn't that what Christmas is really all about? About being selfless and self-sacrificing? Shouldn't it be more than the presents and more about serving others? Tonight as I take a breather and reflect on the true Christmas meaning I'm reminded of the simplicity of Mary holding her precious newborn and pondering in her heart the peace he brings. I'm thinking of all I have to be thankful for and believe it or not, not one of the things I'm thankful for was found wrapped under the tree. I'm thankful that in the busyness of the season I can still hear God's still small voice whispering I came just for you to save you from this life and offer you something far greater this world could ever offer you. Will you except my gift of love? Will you receive the forgiveness I came to give? Will you share that gift with others? Will you tell them of the greatest gift you ever received, there are people who are in desperate need of love and acceptance... Tell them about me. Friends his name is Jesus and once you cry out to him you will never again be the same, His love is so deep and so pure, you will forever be changed

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