Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Jesus Sets You Free

Sometimes I wrestle with the fact that so many do not get my relationship with Christ. To some I am too over-the-top, too devoted, or some even might say too much of a hypocrite. (ouch) They don't see Jesus the way that I do. They don't get my love, my devotion my faith, and my trust in the only one that would easily do the same thing in their lives. If only they could have eyes that could see, and ears that could hear, Jesus calling after them. I felt like God gave me this insight yesterday all I could say was amen, yes that is exactly it... Until you know how much your sin has cost, you will never understand my love for Jesus.  I have been set free. I know how guilty I was. I know where I would be at if he had not intervened in my life. I know the only one who could save my wretched life and put my feet upon the only rock that could give me stability. I know what it is like to be washed clean  and set free from all the filth that tried to consume the beautiful person I was created to be. When you have been radically saved you are bound to have a radical faith. Some people may not get my overwhelming faith and that's okay. Many  will follow the wide path that leads to death and destruction, I am so thankful to have found the narrow path that leads to life. Life made new because of Jesus.

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