Friday, May 8, 2020

Freedom found in Refraining... 5 minute blog post

There is so much freedom attached to the word. When we refrain from things that can cause us to engage in negative behaviors, in our lives we often find a new level of peace attached to what may feel unbearable, even painful at times, in the beginning of the process of learning how to refrain from such behaviors. However if this area is given enough discipline over the course of time we can relearn a beautiful lesson we might have missed if we had not made the choice to refrain from the negative behavior, to begin with. For instance if we make the deliberate choice to refrain from speaking negatively about others. It may feel painful at first to let that terrible old habit go, after all, how will your friends receive you if you decide when they start to fill you in on the latest gossip; you interrupt them by saying actually let’s talk about something else because this is an area that the Lord and I are working on together in my life and I have decided to no longer gossip about others. True, the friend might be slightly offended, feeling a slight twinge of guilt that you may also be implying that they too should join the bandwagon. However what the Lord is showing you is more important than the small amount of rejection you may receive from others, and the fruit it will produce in your life, will speak volumes when your friends start to notice the change inside your heart. Your example of refraining and being obedient to what God is calling you to address in your own life, could very well cause a ripple effect as the seeds you sow into other’s hearts will often produce an abundant harvest.


  1. I love your perspective on this word prompt! Thank you for sharing!

  2. So true! Personally, I have been trying to refrain from negative thinking. It's true that getting control of your tongue is where the work really begins and there is such peace in ridding yourself of all of the negativity. Choosing to focus in on His blessings instead of outwardly at wordly distractions is not easy with so much so loud and so close, but like you said, "God and I are working on it together." I can already tell a difference in how I respond to frustrations and disappointments. Great post. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I need to try to get away
    from this dark compulsion
    to fill each moment of each day
    with steadfastnes and gumption.
    Yes, you read the lines aright,
    for I am truly dying,
    and in this last and futile fight,
    people have been trying
    to lift the burdens from my life,
    and they are sore perplexed
    (my friends and neighbours, and my wife)
    when the cancer'd man rejects
    the helping hand so freely given
    for an "I can hack it!" way of living.
