My heart is torn and broken over a situation I am absolutely helpless to change. I’m filled with anguish and frustration knowing how truly unfair life can be sometimes. I’m devastated at the potential loss that lies in the foreshadow of a sweet friend, a loss that has the potential to squeeze every ounce of compassion from their heart and turn it to stone... Lord I pray this will not be the case because there is too much beauty there to be consumed with bitterness. When the enemy comes to attack he does so viciously, and strategically... trying to maliciously squeeze every ounce of goodness from a person’s soul for he knows all good things come from the Father, but my hearts cries out on her behalf let all the good they did accomplish, not be done in vain, Lord for we know it was for a greater purpose, than our limited eyes can see. Lord this insurmountable mountain that is set before us is but a stepping stone to you. Send your angels to guard, shield, and protect. Allow us to see YOU in the fiery flames of the furnace, so that we will not be scorched. Allow us to see your outstretched arm so the sea will not consume us. Cover us with your wings of protection as we usher these words... not our will Father, but your will be done. This thing is far too heavy for us to shoulder alone, flood our hearts with your peace. You know our hearts in this matter, you know the tears we lament in anguish, frustration, and yes even hopelessness. Yet we know your words are tested and true... You will work all things together for good, for those who love you and are called according to your purpose. And we trust in you. Great is your faithfulness, Oh Lord, no matter the outcome may we praise your Holy name. Amen.
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