I try hard not to cast stones because I too am guilty of sin and would be guilty of hell if I had not surrendered my life to Christ. I sometimes fall short in this area because I defiantly don't condone sin by any means and when it comes to my family I tend to get defensive and protective. With that being said what we often fail to see is the very scriptures we use to convict others with, we ALL at some point have found ourselves struggling with one or more of these sins. Some Christians feel justified to attack certain sins because God's word says these sins are wrong, but truth be told, if someone had yelled and told me All the areas of my life that were a mess I would have felt like I could never be good enough to come to God and seek forgiveness. I would have probably given up and sank deeper in my sins. The truth is God's Holy Spirit convicted me and God's word transformed my life, it was not because of people's condemnation of my life that I found Christ.
The problem with casting stones at certain sins is it makes the person struggling in that particular sin feel like they are unloved by God because of their struggles (which is not true.) it also makes us Christians seem like we don't love them either (which for most of us is not true either.) It also makes the ones throwing the stones, seem like they are without sin, when PRIDE might be their greatest sin struggle. While I don't believe in loving people with a lie and that God's word is absolute truth, he wants what is best for us. I know for me God transformed my life by reading the bible and doing intensive bible study. Through that he slowly transformed my life, and my desires... He replaced lies I had learned with his truth that sets us free. You can't expect people to only hear parts of God's word and except it as truth for their life. God showed me things that were unhealthy in my life and needed to be changed and showed me unhealthy habits I had formed that needed to be replaced, he's still showing me things that needs improvement.
I believe the bible is absolute truth it is not a bag of trail mix that we can pick and choose from to make God into whoever we want him to be. The bible is also not a weapon to be used to inflict personal injury on certain people because of their struggle with sin... All sin is punishable by death, yours, mine, and theirs. The problem with attacking gay people on behalf of God is they are loved by God and are just as in need of Jesus as anyone else. Casting stones at their behavior, when they could just as easily cast stones at my sin would be foolish. Just because certain sin in people's lives are easier to identify like being gay or an alcoholic or an addict or an adulterer and so forth and seem justifiable to cast stones at...but truth be told hidden sins like porn addicts, lust, envy, greed or the more acceptable sins like gluttony, pride, gossip are just as bad as sexual immortality. Sin is sin.
Jesus said let him who is without sin cast the first stone, with that being said his grace does not give us permission to sin freely. I lay down my stone because I am guilty of sin, I fell on my knees because I needed a savior and I could have been the one the Pharisees dragged out to stone, I raise my hands in praise because I am forgiven and have been set free from the punishment of my sin.
God is a God of love but do not be fooled by satan's deceptive lies for He is also a Holy God who will not accept unrepented sinful behavior which is punishable by eternal separation from him in hell. This is why He sent His son Jesus to die for our sins. The issue isn't are you a sinner... We all are sinners in some way shape or form. The true issue is have you realized your need for a savior, Jesus? Remember Jesus didn't come for the well, he came for the sick. I'm thankful I was among "the sick" to be made well. I'm thankful God renewed my mind with his word and showed me areas that needed fixing in my life. Lastly as Billy Graham put it I'm thankful that it's the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God's job to judge, and my job to love.