Tuesday, June 16, 2015

There is true power in forgiveness and praying for those who try to persecute you

There is true freedom and power found in the forgiveness of others and those who try to persecute you. I read these two messages a few days ago, I love when God confirms something you are going through in life, don't you?

The first said: Jesus said to love our enemies . We have to love those who oppose us.  If you only love those who love you back what kind of love is that?
The other said:  Just smile and move forward. When God is truly the head of your life, he will fight for you, and the efforts of those to try to destroy you will be unsuccessful.
Before we even read these last week Ray and I lived these messages out in our lives. There is true freedom in praying for those who try to bring harm into your lives, there is amazing freedom found in forgiveness of your enemies (those who try to inflict evil unto you) God is so faithful to those who are his children. He showed us first hand "if our God is for us then who can ever stand against him" Evil is prevalent in this fallen world but God is faithful. Even though you may not be able to control other people's evil deeds or actions... Evil will not prevail. What is meant for bad God can and will use for our good. The result from last week's struggles resulted in a greater peace and stronger confidence in who God is and a stronger unity between Ray and I. When someone attacks you, don't turn to hate, for hate and revenge are not from God. They are from satan and he loves when we try to seek revenge instead of trusting God to handle it. Pray for those who wrong you, because when all is said and done God loves those people just as much as he loves you, and his desire is that none shall perish. Thank you for all the prayers last week. They helped more than you know to bring us to this conclusion. We are blessed with our loved ones and friends. I love our family in Christ.

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