Saturday, June 6, 2015

The road to freedom

I'm so thankful that actions I did in my teens, early  twenties, or even yesterday are not held against me. The simple truth of it is we serve a God that forgives us and keeps no record of wrong, once we've surrendered our lives to Jesus and ask for our sins to be be forgiven. He is a just God and his mercy does not give us permission to sin freely as though there's no consequence. Sin has consequences that is why God calls us to live righteously. However big you may have messed up in your past, God's love for you covers even your worst mistakes, so we can hold our heads held high free from guilt once we've repented and turned from sin. Just because someone knows who you were or mistakes you made in the past does not mean they know who you are today or who God's transforming you to become.  Don't let yesterday's mistakes keep you from enjoying today. Christ paid a high price for your freedom don't let something or someone hold you in bondage. God doesn't call you to perfection only that we be willing to allow him to transform us. It is not a painful process for the things removed from your life are things that are harmful to you and to the ones you love. God is patient with us for he desires nothing but the very best for you. I pray you've asked him into your heart to be your personal savior so that you can experience a freedom like no other. This is my prayer for you my dear sweet friends. Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me

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