Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Not everyone means the words they say, young ones beware

Young friends out there... don't give yourself over to a few sweet words spoken from a deceiver's lips. These are words I wish someone would have taken the time to teach me. There are men out there that pray on young children and teens. They want nothing more than to steal your virtue, so please dear precious ones know your worth and your value, respect yourself and don't ever sell yourself short. When I was young I gave away pieces of my soul and didn't even realize it. I allowed the devil to steal pieces of my integrity when I was too young to know the consequences. But one thing God is showing me is the past is the past. Leave it there. I am redeemed. Loved. Cherished. The daughter of the king of kings and so are you. These are words I wish someone would have spoken to me.  Parents be aware of your children's personal lives, a lot can happen in the homes you view as a safe place for your children to visit. Keep the communication lines open between you and your children. Reassure them that they may tell you anything for you love them and want the very best for them. Also do not hesitate to talk to other people's children out of love and concern for their well being as well. Not all parents take the time to invest in their kids so you may be helping more than you know. 

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