Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Jesus came to deliver us from our shame
Jesus came to deliver us from our shame!! My amazing little take away to cherish and ponder this week from Pastor Craig and Carol's message this Sunday. Jesus came to deliver us from our shame, it seems simple right??!! A no brainer. However, how many people do you know have that one thing from their past that is too ugly to talk about, or too scaring to try and work through? So instead of receiving healing and freedom from Jesus, we stuff it down under our freshly pressed church clothes and pray no one sees it underneath. We drag the shame of who we once were or what we once had done praying no one ever opens that dark closet from our past. Or for some of us the shame we carry was so massive it did not go silently unnoticed. For some, shame plagues them like a scarlet letter "A." They carry it with them every where they go, feeling as though everyone can see it and is talking about it endlessly. I wonder if this is how the righteous man Joseph felt when he had a dream from God and was told not to divorce Mary, but rather to bare the shame man would chastise him with, for all of the days to follow. I wonder if Joseph and Mary learned an important lesson, many of us have yet to grasp... That the things man says about who you are, your character, your value, your worth, or your purpose pales in comparison to what our God and Savior thinks and says about who you really are. That God thought so highly of YOU ( the guilty covered in shame) that He sent His only son to die for you and save you from that guilt and free you from the shame. Now as a mother of 4 I can tell you I'd have to think an awful lot of someone if I was going to be willing to let my child lay down their life for them, knowing they would have to have their blood shed and be disfigured beyond recognition to save the lives of men and women, many of whom despised and rejected Him. My friends let that soak in for a moment, this Christmas season... Ponder in your hearts how valuable you truly are to the one who created you. You are more precious than gold or silver to Him. He has a plan to use your biggest failures for his ultimate glory... If you will allow him to enter into your heart, he will change your life forever. I pray you will learn this lesson too, that the shame people try to heap on you is powerless in the forgiving presence of our Savior Jesus Christ. My final take away was this. Once you grasp the freedom and forgiveness Christ offers to you, Pastor Craig encouraged us to extend that grace to others who are heavy laden with guilt and shame. Ponder these thoughts this Christmas season and be a blessing to others my friends.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Getting Back to the Heart of Christmas
I feel lately like I've been fighting this losing battle between time and my to do list, but that's okay, I've had more important things to deal with. The Christmas cookies will have to wait to be made until after Christmas this year, and the homemade gifts will wait until next year to be made. Christmas looks a bit different this year it is true, but our hearts are working toward serving Christ and others and isn't that what Christmas is really all about? About being selfless and self-sacrificing? Shouldn't it be more than the presents and more about serving others? Tonight as I take a breather and reflect on the true Christmas meaning I'm reminded of the simplicity of Mary holding her precious newborn and pondering in her heart the peace he brings. I'm thinking of all I have to be thankful for and believe it or not, not one of the things I'm thankful for was found wrapped under the tree. I'm thankful that in the busyness of the season I can still hear God's still small voice whispering I came just for you to save you from this life and offer you something far greater this world could ever offer you. Will you except my gift of love? Will you receive the forgiveness I came to give? Will you share that gift with others? Will you tell them of the greatest gift you ever received, there are people who are in desperate need of love and acceptance... Tell them about me. Friends his name is Jesus and once you cry out to him you will never again be the same, His love is so deep and so pure, you will forever be changed
Monday, November 30, 2015
Show someone that you care
Ray just found out that one of the people he does a lot of tree work for took his life last night. He's greatly sadden by this and said, "I had a feeling he had been struggling." Those words echoed in my mind as my heart broke for him. I thought how often does God nudged our hearts about someone struggling and yet we don't feel it's our place to pry. We live in such a fast paced world where our relationships are often surface level because we lack the time to develop deep meaningful ones. We hurry along to our next job, meeting, children's activities, and sometimes miss our opportunity to reach out to those who matter to us and tell them so. I encourage you today if you know someone who is struggling to reach out to them, to remind them that you care, and to share life with that person. We need to get to place where we can feel more comfortable with people than just talking about the weather. A few words of encouragement can make a lot of difference to someone who has messed up or blown it yet again, or is depressed. Just to know someone still believes in them can make a difference. I believe if God puts someone on your mind we need to make an effort to reach out and show them that we care. The other person may reject the offer of help at first but we are planting seeds of hope deep within that can make a difference. We can't just sit passively on the sidelines thinking if they wanted to talk or needed help they'd reach out to me because for someone who is battling depression asking for help almost paralyzes them. Don't be afraid of a little rejection on your end because your acts of kindness does more than you will ever know my friends. Ask God to open your eyes to see the hurting and to be brave enough to reach out to show them you care before it's to late and you are left with the regret of not trying harder. Please pray for this man's family and friends, to any one who has ever lost a loved one to suicide there is often a lot of guilt and regret attached to the grieving process. If you are struggling with depression please know there are many who have or are struggling and it's okay to seek help. I once struggled with depression as well, it's a lonely place and you feel alone but you are NOT. There is a God who loves you so much he sent his son to save you from your pit of sins. My turning point was when I asked Jesus to save my life. That is why, to some I seem like a Jesus freak but I am proud to have that title because without Christ I would not be who I am today. He can and will make a difference in your life as well.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
"For better or for... Now" (marriages beware)
I wonder how often God watches a wedding with intense pain in His heart. I wonder if he looks at that day and says "How I wish this moment of love and happiness would last from this day forward, like you promised." I wonder if He sees the expiration date we stamp on our divorce papers and weeps. He has the ability to see through all the love, laughter, and amazing memories made that special day into the future of what is now two indifferent people going through a bitter divorce. The laughter has long since vanished, the smiles turned into tears, and the love that was once so precious to this beautiful couple has been turned into intolerance for one another. The words that once ringed with affirmation and affection have been exchanged with cutting words of hatred, discontent, and bitterness. On the day when they exchanged for better or for worse was hidden deep within... "I meant only for the better, I can't handle your worst." Two people who once would have laid down their lives for one another, will not even lay down their phone to see the other person struggling. When indifference and unimportance fills a home it becomes Satan's playground... "Did you see that girl? She understands you better than your wife, maybe you two should have coffee and discuss your problems further?" Or "Your husband is so caught up in his girly magazines he never takes the time to appreciate you, but your boss always values your work, maybe you should go on the business trip he mentioned to you."
Lack of communication with your spouse and sharing your intimate shortcomings at home with the opposite sex is a DANGER ZONE. Long before our thoughts become actions we rehearse the scenes in our minds, beware our thoughts are powerful tools for success or destruction. I wonder if God sees those first stormy nights that divides our hearts against our spouses and wants to yell, "Don't let the sun go down on your anger, don't let the enemy have any territory in your home or your hearts!" I wonder if God tries to whisper to your harden heart, "Remember how beautiful she looked coming down the aisle, remember when she made you laugh and your heart surged with so much joy just seeing her took your breath away?" Or "Remember the first time he told you he loved you, or how he proposed, remember the dreams you had for your future? Don't throw them away." Maybe instead of the traditional, "From this day forward I do... We need to change our vows to from this day forward we chose to remember our love we have for one another." I often encourage couples to each make a list of 25+ things they love about each other and place them in the back of their wedding photo. (so you can find it) Add to it and update it every couple of years, because no matter how good of a marriage you may have, they all will go through intense trials because life happens and this is something you can reflect back on. It helps you to remember why you first said I do. Maybe even included, as a couple, a few dreams you have for the future (a bucket list so to speak of for your marriage) so you can see that you are moving forward together to reach your dreams as a couple. Make a resolution together of why divorce should never be in your vocabulary or future and keep all these things in the back of your "always and forever" wedding photo. Treasure deep within your heart the person God has given you to do life with, because life can beat us up from time to time and what a blessing it is to have someone to share the heartache as well as the joys of life with. From this day forward I choose to be thankful for who you are and love you despite of your failures.
Lack of communication with your spouse and sharing your intimate shortcomings at home with the opposite sex is a DANGER ZONE. Long before our thoughts become actions we rehearse the scenes in our minds, beware our thoughts are powerful tools for success or destruction. I wonder if God sees those first stormy nights that divides our hearts against our spouses and wants to yell, "Don't let the sun go down on your anger, don't let the enemy have any territory in your home or your hearts!" I wonder if God tries to whisper to your harden heart, "Remember how beautiful she looked coming down the aisle, remember when she made you laugh and your heart surged with so much joy just seeing her took your breath away?" Or "Remember the first time he told you he loved you, or how he proposed, remember the dreams you had for your future? Don't throw them away." Maybe instead of the traditional, "From this day forward I do... We need to change our vows to from this day forward we chose to remember our love we have for one another." I often encourage couples to each make a list of 25+ things they love about each other and place them in the back of their wedding photo. (so you can find it) Add to it and update it every couple of years, because no matter how good of a marriage you may have, they all will go through intense trials because life happens and this is something you can reflect back on. It helps you to remember why you first said I do. Maybe even included, as a couple, a few dreams you have for the future (a bucket list so to speak of for your marriage) so you can see that you are moving forward together to reach your dreams as a couple. Make a resolution together of why divorce should never be in your vocabulary or future and keep all these things in the back of your "always and forever" wedding photo. Treasure deep within your heart the person God has given you to do life with, because life can beat us up from time to time and what a blessing it is to have someone to share the heartache as well as the joys of life with. From this day forward I choose to be thankful for who you are and love you despite of your failures.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Oh to Have Eyes of a Child Again
I love how resilient Children are. They don't let things like the weather get them down, they look out in wonder and amazement "Look mama!! It's snowing!!" They don't let the circumstances around them overwhelm them with fear, they look for the best in all things. Simple things like balloons, bubbles, cardboard boxes, and crayons bring so much joy and fill their minds with limitless imagination. It's no wonder Jesus said to enter the kingdom of heaven you must come like a little child. Lord renew my heart to be like your little children again. Remove the scars that time inflicted on my perception. Amen
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Do you have the faith it takes to be a hero?
As for you, you meant it for evil against me, but GOD meant it for Good. Genesis 50:26 Friends write this scripture on your heart!! I LOVE the life of Joesph in the bible and how God used the hardships he suffered for the saving of many LIVES!! Darkness can not win over the goodness of God and HIS plans. Now darkness does exist and bad things do happen, however, God is able to use all events in a believers life and turn it into something good. God is able to use our most painful events for the saving of many lives. The human (fleshly) part of us does not want or like to suffer, we don't like to see the ones we love dearly hurting... However God never wastes our pain, he hurts along side of us and says "Oh child, if you only knew the amount of lives that will be saved because of your story. It is because of your testimony, faith, and devotion to me even during the hardest times of your life that others came to know, trust, and have faith in me." Many of us want to be a hero and save lives or make a significant difference in others lives; but did you know that real life heroes lay it all on the lines, laying down their own lives if nescarry for the saving of many lives. Do you have the faith it takes to be a real life hero? Has your faith in God carried you through one of life's hardest trials and left you with a stronger resolve, that yes even this can be used for the saving of many lives? Keep the faith my friends, stay in God's word, trust he has a plan, that he loves you, and he is able to work all things for our good.
Monday, September 28, 2015
Why Having Faith in Jesus Matters
I am so thankful that our faith is in Jesus. When you have a child with a chronic illness like CF it is important to know this life is not all God has to offer our beautiful children. There is a hope found in Jesus that is beyond ourselves and beyond what the medical fields can offer. Many pray for a miracle and while I know and believe my God is capable of such wonderful things he has also shown me the importance of praying for the salvation of our children, because we all will face death sooner or later and salvation will last longer. God has shown us through CF the value of everyday, to make it count because they are all numbered, for everyone of us. He has shown me in his word... For who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? (Matthew Ch. 6:27) this verse tells me he's got it covered!! He loves our princess and no chronic illness will have the pleasure of stealing any of her days or thwarting God's plans and purpose for her life. Bottom line... All life is precious and a gift. Hug your kids, love them, tell them so, and give them the most valuable things you have... Your faith in Jesus, your love, and your time. Trust God and His love for you. Stay close to him in his word and through prayer. Remember we all face storms in life so it is important to build your foundation on Him. He will never fail you or leave you.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Living beyond ourselves
I feel as though we live in a society that makes us be almost desensitize. We often put on a brave face when we're falling apart. We hide our sadness with a fake smile. We feel ashamed to cry in the presence of others. When grieving we feel as though there should be a set time to mourn. We push through pain without others knowing our struggles. When asked "how are you today?" We reply with a close-ended statement like "good" or "fine." I challenge you, my friends, to stop going through the motions of life. I challenge you, my friends, to live beyond yourself. To reach out to others and make connections. I challenge you to be on the lookout for hurting people God places in your life. To be brave enough to walk through another's pain with them. To point them to Jesus as a source of healing. To be brave enough to be transparent to share your own hurts; because our pain is meant to help others heal as well. The more you shed God's healing light on your deepest pain, by sharing what you are going through or have went through, the more healing you will find. You see the more we try to hide our hurts and pretend they don't exist, the more we keep that pain in the darkness the longer it will take to heal from. We have to find a balance where we don't let our problems overcome us but where they are overcome by God's healing grace. Spend time in His word. Join a bible study. Surround yourself with godly people, who point you to God's word for healing. Pray and ask God to show you a purpose for the pain. There is true healing to be found when we take the focus off ourselves and serve others. God's word can replace the pain with an everlasting JOY, that no one can ever steal from you again.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
When life is hard and we just don't understand, I will trust the one who knows the beginning and the end.
There's a person that I love very deeply and they are going through a bit of a struggle right now. And as I sat here tonight my normal response to this situation started to play out as fear, worry, and anxiety began to weigh heavy on my heart for them. It wasn't until several hours had gone by that I remembered this battle can not be won through worry, fear, and doubt; and that I could go to God and intercede on their behalf. After I prayed, God reminded me, it's okay that this person is struggling. He said wouldn't you rather see him in heaven and watch him struggle a little while here on earth? Sometimes the only way to get us to surrender our control is through a little struggle here on earth. God reminded me it was through my darkest moments that his greatest healing was preformed; that resulted in my personal relationship with Jesus Christ. So the struggles our loved ones face are not always for their loss but for heaven's gain. God cares more about our loved ones then we ever possibly could. So when life is hard and we just don't understand, I will trust in the one who knows the beginning and the end.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Casting stones
When I came to Christ it was not because someone shamed me into it. I knew I was living a life that was not pleasing to me, but most of all it was not pleasing to God and no amount of self denial could hide the weight of my own sin, guilt and shame. I knew I needed a savior, one who would Love Me Where I Was At and for Who I Was... A sinner in need of rescuing. I needed a savior that would pull me out of that pit I was stuck in and put my feet of the solid rock (Christ) I needed him to show me I was worth more than what I was selling myself for, I was worth more than the lies I tried to buy as truth for my life. I was stuck in a pit of sin that could not bring him honor or glory and brought me only self inflicted pain.
I try hard not to cast stones because I too am guilty of sin and would be guilty of hell if I had not surrendered my life to Christ. I sometimes fall short in this area because I defiantly don't condone sin by any means and when it comes to my family I tend to get defensive and protective. With that being said what we often fail to see is the very scriptures we use to convict others with, we ALL at some point have found ourselves struggling with one or more of these sins. Some Christians feel justified to attack certain sins because God's word says these sins are wrong, but truth be told, if someone had yelled and told me All the areas of my life that were a mess I would have felt like I could never be good enough to come to God and seek forgiveness. I would have probably given up and sank deeper in my sins. The truth is God's Holy Spirit convicted me and God's word transformed my life, it was not because of people's condemnation of my life that I found Christ.
The problem with casting stones at certain sins is it makes the person struggling in that particular sin feel like they are unloved by God because of their struggles (which is not true.) it also makes us Christians seem like we don't love them either (which for most of us is not true either.) It also makes the ones throwing the stones, seem like they are without sin, when PRIDE might be their greatest sin struggle. While I don't believe in loving people with a lie and that God's word is absolute truth, he wants what is best for us. I know for me God transformed my life by reading the bible and doing intensive bible study. Through that he slowly transformed my life, and my desires... He replaced lies I had learned with his truth that sets us free. You can't expect people to only hear parts of God's word and except it as truth for their life. God showed me things that were unhealthy in my life and needed to be changed and showed me unhealthy habits I had formed that needed to be replaced, he's still showing me things that needs improvement.
I believe the bible is absolute truth it is not a bag of trail mix that we can pick and choose from to make God into whoever we want him to be. The bible is also not a weapon to be used to inflict personal injury on certain people because of their struggle with sin... All sin is punishable by death, yours, mine, and theirs. The problem with attacking gay people on behalf of God is they are loved by God and are just as in need of Jesus as anyone else. Casting stones at their behavior, when they could just as easily cast stones at my sin would be foolish. Just because certain sin in people's lives are easier to identify like being gay or an alcoholic or an addict or an adulterer and so forth and seem justifiable to cast stones at...but truth be told hidden sins like porn addicts, lust, envy, greed or the more acceptable sins like gluttony, pride, gossip are just as bad as sexual immortality. Sin is sin.
Jesus said let him who is without sin cast the first stone, with that being said his grace does not give us permission to sin freely. I lay down my stone because I am guilty of sin, I fell on my knees because I needed a savior and I could have been the one the Pharisees dragged out to stone, I raise my hands in praise because I am forgiven and have been set free from the punishment of my sin.
God is a God of love but do not be fooled by satan's deceptive lies for He is also a Holy God who will not accept unrepented sinful behavior which is punishable by eternal separation from him in hell. This is why He sent His son Jesus to die for our sins. The issue isn't are you a sinner... We all are sinners in some way shape or form. The true issue is have you realized your need for a savior, Jesus? Remember Jesus didn't come for the well, he came for the sick. I'm thankful I was among "the sick" to be made well. I'm thankful God renewed my mind with his word and showed me areas that needed fixing in my life. Lastly as Billy Graham put it I'm thankful that it's the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God's job to judge, and my job to love.
I try hard not to cast stones because I too am guilty of sin and would be guilty of hell if I had not surrendered my life to Christ. I sometimes fall short in this area because I defiantly don't condone sin by any means and when it comes to my family I tend to get defensive and protective. With that being said what we often fail to see is the very scriptures we use to convict others with, we ALL at some point have found ourselves struggling with one or more of these sins. Some Christians feel justified to attack certain sins because God's word says these sins are wrong, but truth be told, if someone had yelled and told me All the areas of my life that were a mess I would have felt like I could never be good enough to come to God and seek forgiveness. I would have probably given up and sank deeper in my sins. The truth is God's Holy Spirit convicted me and God's word transformed my life, it was not because of people's condemnation of my life that I found Christ.
The problem with casting stones at certain sins is it makes the person struggling in that particular sin feel like they are unloved by God because of their struggles (which is not true.) it also makes us Christians seem like we don't love them either (which for most of us is not true either.) It also makes the ones throwing the stones, seem like they are without sin, when PRIDE might be their greatest sin struggle. While I don't believe in loving people with a lie and that God's word is absolute truth, he wants what is best for us. I know for me God transformed my life by reading the bible and doing intensive bible study. Through that he slowly transformed my life, and my desires... He replaced lies I had learned with his truth that sets us free. You can't expect people to only hear parts of God's word and except it as truth for their life. God showed me things that were unhealthy in my life and needed to be changed and showed me unhealthy habits I had formed that needed to be replaced, he's still showing me things that needs improvement.
I believe the bible is absolute truth it is not a bag of trail mix that we can pick and choose from to make God into whoever we want him to be. The bible is also not a weapon to be used to inflict personal injury on certain people because of their struggle with sin... All sin is punishable by death, yours, mine, and theirs. The problem with attacking gay people on behalf of God is they are loved by God and are just as in need of Jesus as anyone else. Casting stones at their behavior, when they could just as easily cast stones at my sin would be foolish. Just because certain sin in people's lives are easier to identify like being gay or an alcoholic or an addict or an adulterer and so forth and seem justifiable to cast stones at...but truth be told hidden sins like porn addicts, lust, envy, greed or the more acceptable sins like gluttony, pride, gossip are just as bad as sexual immortality. Sin is sin.
Jesus said let him who is without sin cast the first stone, with that being said his grace does not give us permission to sin freely. I lay down my stone because I am guilty of sin, I fell on my knees because I needed a savior and I could have been the one the Pharisees dragged out to stone, I raise my hands in praise because I am forgiven and have been set free from the punishment of my sin.
God is a God of love but do not be fooled by satan's deceptive lies for He is also a Holy God who will not accept unrepented sinful behavior which is punishable by eternal separation from him in hell. This is why He sent His son Jesus to die for our sins. The issue isn't are you a sinner... We all are sinners in some way shape or form. The true issue is have you realized your need for a savior, Jesus? Remember Jesus didn't come for the well, he came for the sick. I'm thankful I was among "the sick" to be made well. I'm thankful God renewed my mind with his word and showed me areas that needed fixing in my life. Lastly as Billy Graham put it I'm thankful that it's the Holy Spirit's job to convict, God's job to judge, and my job to love.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
There is true power in forgiveness and praying for those who try to persecute you
There is true freedom and power found in the forgiveness of others and those who try to persecute you. I read these two messages a few days ago, I love when God confirms something you are going through in life, don't you?
The first said: Jesus said to love our enemies . We have to love those who oppose us. If you only love those who love you back what kind of love is that?
The other said: Just smile and move forward. When God is truly the head of your life, he will fight for you, and the efforts of those to try to destroy you will be unsuccessful.
Before we even read these last week Ray and I lived these messages out in our lives. There is true freedom in praying for those who try to bring harm into your lives, there is amazing freedom found in forgiveness of your enemies (those who try to inflict evil unto you) God is so faithful to those who are his children. He showed us first hand "if our God is for us then who can ever stand against him" Evil is prevalent in this fallen world but God is faithful. Even though you may not be able to control other people's evil deeds or actions... Evil will not prevail. What is meant for bad God can and will use for our good. The result from last week's struggles resulted in a greater peace and stronger confidence in who God is and a stronger unity between Ray and I. When someone attacks you, don't turn to hate, for hate and revenge are not from God. They are from satan and he loves when we try to seek revenge instead of trusting God to handle it. Pray for those who wrong you, because when all is said and done God loves those people just as much as he loves you, and his desire is that none shall perish. Thank you for all the prayers last week. They helped more than you know to bring us to this conclusion. We are blessed with our loved ones and friends. I love our family in Christ.
The first said: Jesus said to love our enemies . We have to love those who oppose us. If you only love those who love you back what kind of love is that?
The other said: Just smile and move forward. When God is truly the head of your life, he will fight for you, and the efforts of those to try to destroy you will be unsuccessful.
Before we even read these last week Ray and I lived these messages out in our lives. There is true freedom in praying for those who try to bring harm into your lives, there is amazing freedom found in forgiveness of your enemies (those who try to inflict evil unto you) God is so faithful to those who are his children. He showed us first hand "if our God is for us then who can ever stand against him" Evil is prevalent in this fallen world but God is faithful. Even though you may not be able to control other people's evil deeds or actions... Evil will not prevail. What is meant for bad God can and will use for our good. The result from last week's struggles resulted in a greater peace and stronger confidence in who God is and a stronger unity between Ray and I. When someone attacks you, don't turn to hate, for hate and revenge are not from God. They are from satan and he loves when we try to seek revenge instead of trusting God to handle it. Pray for those who wrong you, because when all is said and done God loves those people just as much as he loves you, and his desire is that none shall perish. Thank you for all the prayers last week. They helped more than you know to bring us to this conclusion. We are blessed with our loved ones and friends. I love our family in Christ.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
For those who have been forgiven much shall never forgot God's mercy extended to them
How I love when a person shares the depths of themselves, where they've been and how God rescued them from their pit of sin, without fear of ridicule or being rejected by man who is equally sinful. When they are real and honest and able to share their pasts and the struggles that tried to defeat them. When they set aside the fear of what others may think or say about who they once were, and they honor God by sharing their testimonies. God's given you a story (a testimony) to share with others. He's placed people in your life that need to hear it, they need to see the freedom and what God's transforming power looks like in your life, through the victories he's helped you accomplish. One thing I pray often is: God, never let me get so far away from my sin that I forget where I came from, or the rags I wore when you rescued me. I was a wreck, but you saw the beauty buried within and your love transformed my life. Jesus got ahold of my heart and breathed new life into me. He renewed my mind with the word of God. He gave me a crown for my rags and welcomed me into his family. That's the power of amazing grace.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
The road to freedom
I'm so thankful that actions I did in my teens, early twenties, or even yesterday are not held against me. The simple truth of it is we serve a God that forgives us and keeps no record of wrong, once we've surrendered our lives to Jesus and ask for our sins to be be forgiven. He is a just God and his mercy does not give us permission to sin freely as though there's no consequence. Sin has consequences that is why God calls us to live righteously. However big you may have messed up in your past, God's love for you covers even your worst mistakes, so we can hold our heads held high free from guilt once we've repented and turned from sin. Just because someone knows who you were or mistakes you made in the past does not mean they know who you are today or who God's transforming you to become. Don't let yesterday's mistakes keep you from enjoying today. Christ paid a high price for your freedom don't let something or someone hold you in bondage. God doesn't call you to perfection only that we be willing to allow him to transform us. It is not a painful process for the things removed from your life are things that are harmful to you and to the ones you love. God is patient with us for he desires nothing but the very best for you. I pray you've asked him into your heart to be your personal savior so that you can experience a freedom like no other. This is my prayer for you my dear sweet friends. Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Not everyone means the words they say, young ones beware
Young friends out there... don't give yourself over to a few sweet words spoken from a deceiver's lips. These are words I wish someone would have taken the time to teach me. There are men out there that pray on young children and teens. They want nothing more than to steal your virtue, so please dear precious ones know your worth and your value, respect yourself and don't ever sell yourself short. When I was young I gave away pieces of my soul and didn't even realize it. I allowed the devil to steal pieces of my integrity when I was too young to know the consequences. But one thing God is showing me is the past is the past. Leave it there. I am redeemed. Loved. Cherished. The daughter of the king of kings and so are you. These are words I wish someone would have spoken to me. Parents be aware of your children's personal lives, a lot can happen in the homes you view as a safe place for your children to visit. Keep the communication lines open between you and your children. Reassure them that they may tell you anything for you love them and want the very best for them. Also do not hesitate to talk to other people's children out of love and concern for their well being as well. Not all parents take the time to invest in their kids so you may be helping more than you know.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Relationships take work
Have you ever had a relationship whether it be with a friend or family member, where you felt like you made all the effort to keep it going? I have. It's exhausting, to feel as though you are trying to keep the relationship alive, while the other part does virtually nothing, or with minimal effort to show you they even care. The key to a successful relationship is it takes two parties willing to put forth effort to have a relationship stand the test of time. Relationships take a lot of work and effort, they can't be one sided or the person trying eventually wears out. Not because they don't care, but rather because humans eventually get depleted and exhausted. I am thankful I have one relationship that will never be depleted or tire from trying to reach deep within me, no matter how far I stray God is always there for me. He's always a prayer away, he's always waiting patiently for my return. He's always rejoicing at the sound of repentance from a heart that's turned back to him. Wherever you are, no matter how far you may have strayed... Know this, God loves you deeper than any man or woman ever could. He's the only one that has the ability to redeem and restore. To bring beauty from the ashes.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
There is purpose in suffering
There are a few things I wrestle with God over trying to understand the purpose and meaning behind it... Alzheimer's and mental illness being two that touch my life deeply. Satan loves to distract us with things we do not understand and tries to get us to question if God is good why would he allow us to suffer with whatever infirmities that affect your life? And while I may not know the reason to why we suffer, I can instead shift my focus to look for some good that comes from the hardships we suffer. Instead of resenting the fact my Aunt suffers with Alzheimer's, I can choose instead, to focus on the fact that yesterday I got to see my beautiful Aunt smile and laugh... something that when I saw her last year I never thought I'd see or hear until we meet again in heaven. I got to hear her respond when Jesse said to her, it was so good to see her... she said, "God bless you." How I prayed the night before for a good visit and for Jesse to be able to see a glimpse of our beloved Aunt Mickey. Yes, those sweet, tender moments with her did not last nearly as long as I wished they would have, before the ugliness of the disease came forth, BUT there was still beauty to be seen in the ashes of this horrible life stealing disease. If you allow Christ to, he can change your perspective to see the rainbows in the midst of the storms clouds of life difficulties. We have to train our minds to see the blessings that come from the trials in life's most difficult moments. When my Aunt got frustrated and yelled, we got a chance to witness my Uncle's unconditional love for her, his patience, and gentleness... as hard as it is to see her like this, he is ever faithful to his beloved bride of over 60 years. Where many may not understand God's reasoning behind suffering, I can see purpose in it! Those nurses there witness first hand every time he visits, what a devoted marriage looks like in sickness and in health, through the good and the bad. They see first hand what a committed relationship looks like, while people often leave each other over simple disagreements or short periods of unhappiness, my Uncle on the other hand is there for my Aunt during life's hardest moments. My Uncle Gene frequents there enough the nurses know him by name (which says a lot for a man well into his 80's driving nearly an hour just to get there, to see his beloved wife) Even though the disease itself may not be pretty, no one would choose any of our loved ones to suffer with any illness, we have hope... my Aunt put her trust in Jesus as her savior, and I know one day I will be with her in heaven, hearing her treasured stories once again, hearing her laughter, watching her hold babies, and play with children once again. She will be fully restored... I may not understand the suffering but because of Christ we have hope when life feels hopeless.
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